I ordered this amazing Celine bag replica from the Chinese site Aliexpress. This is my first purchase from there and I am very impressed. This bag was ordered on New Years Eve and arrived today the 21st of January which is quick to say it had to travel to the other side of the world. There's no faults, no loose stitching or a bad smell which has previously being said by other customers. The quality is great and certainly matches the quality of bags on the high street as the fake leather is very thick. I would say if this bag was on sale on the high street it would cost around £30. I bought this bag for $28 which converts into £18 and included free shipping. Aliexpress lists manufactures in china and wholesalers, it is known that there are scammers on there so please be aware of this. If you plan on buying from the site look at products that have had a huge amount of orders and good reviews. also another tip is to look at hauls on YouTube and blogs to see other peoples purchases and reviews.