Wednesday 11 February 2015

My 87th Academy Awards Predictions (Oscars)

As well as my love for fitness and health my biggest passion is for the performing arts and the film industry. You may have seen my previous review on the beautiful film The Theory Of Everything so I thought why not try and predict the results of the upcoming 87th Academy Awards. I haven't seen all of the nominated films however I am an avid award season watcher and follower so I know how well they have being doing so far.

1) Best Picture- BoyHood
2) Best Actor- Eddie Redmayne The Theory Of Everything

3) Best Actress- Rosamund Pike Gone Girl

4) Supporting Actor- JK Simmons

5) Supporting Actress- Patricia Arquette 

6) Best Animation Feature Film- Big Hero 6
7) Best Cinematography- The Grand Budapest Hotel 
8) Costume Design- The Grand Budapest Hotel
9) Directing- Richard Linklater Boyhood
10) Best Adapted Screen play-  The Theory Of Everything
I know I haven't done all of the award predictions but there was so many and I am not clued up on foreign language films or documentary's so I thought I would just stick to the things feature films I have seen and know about. if you would like to take a look at the nominations or predict them yourself then head over to  

Kayleigh x

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