Friday 4 December 2015

GRWM Christmas Party

I have never being the best at makeup but i am slowly learning and i had so much fun shooting this video before my works Christmas Party last weekend. If you enjoy GRWM videos and tutorials then check out my recent YouTube video. I  will be away in Germany next week so keep an eye out for my upcoming travel vlogs and pictures.


Thursday 26 November 2015

1000 Subscribers Giveaway!

It is only one month till Christmas! If you fancy getting your hands on a £10 Primark gift card and two of my beauty picks including an item from the Tanya Burr cosmetic range and a Rimmel The Only One Lipstick then help get my Youtube channel to 1000 subscribers before the big day! 

There will be another giveaway at 500 subscribers! Subscribe to my YouTube Channel.


Wednesday 25 November 2015

Makeup Q and A

  1. What foundation do you use? I currently use Revlon ColourStay 24hr foundation.
  2. How about concealer? Rimmel Wake Me Up Concealer
  3. What brand of mascara do you use? Rimmel Lash Accelerator Endless Mascara.
  4. Do you wear false eye lashes? I don't wear false lashes due to mine already being long. 
  5. Sephora or Mac? I can't choose, its a tie. 
  6. What is your favourite lipstick? Mac Modesty, its my go to everyday lipstick.
  7. Neutral or colourful? I am neutral kinda girl.
  8. Which celebrity always has great makeup? Zoella always has beautiful neutral makeup.
  9. Could you leave the house without makeup? Yes.
  10. Favourite makeup brand? Rimmel and Mac.

Kayleigh x

Thursday 19 November 2015

Europe Vlog 3 | Verona and Venice

I finally found the footage from the end of my Europe trip.


Monday 14 September 2015

Autumn Fall Makeup Look

HELLO Everyone! i have uploaded a Natural Fall/Autumn Makeup Tutorial over on my Youtube Channel. I hope you enjoy :-)

Kayleigh X

Saturday 5 September 2015

New Video

Hello everyone i am starting to post on here and upload on my YouTube more often. If you are a Cheerleader or just interested in Cheerleading then go check out my new video. My channel is a lifestyle channel and it includes travel videos, hauls, vlogs, cheer related videos and short films.

Kayleigh x

Thursday 3 September 2015

Me, Earl and the Dying Girl Review

This week i was fortunate enough to get preview tickets to see award winning Me, Earl and the Dying Girl. Me, Earl and the Dying Girl is about an american high schooler named Greg, who spends most of his time making parodies of classic films with his co-worker Earl. He finds his outlook forever changed after he befriends a classmate who has just been diagnosed with cancer. 
This film is incredibly different with its unique cinema photography, realist acting and raw humour. This is an Indie movie not to be missed. Warning some camera angles may make you dizzy and tissues will be needed if you call yourself an emotional human being.  
Check out the trailer below. Me and Earl and the Dying Girl will hit the big screens here in the UK on Friday 4th September. 

Kayleigh x

Sunday 26 April 2015

Spring Summer Haul

I have my holiday coming up to the South of France and Italy in a few weeks and needed to grab a few new clothes before I leave. Here is my Spring Summer Primark Haul.
Blue and white top- £6 Primark
Leather Jacket- £39.99 New look
Hat- £14.00 Dolls Boutique
Dress- £8 Primark
Kayleigh xx


Wednesday 22 April 2015

April High Street Fave's

So here are my four High Street Fashion Favourites for April. I think all four of these pieces scream the Coachella/Spring Summer trend.

TopShop- £28.00
River Island- £60.00
New Look- £12.99
My absolute favourite piece from H&M- £24.99
Kayleigh xx

Sunday 12 April 2015

Little Cousin Does My Makeup

My new YouTube video is up and this week since it was the Easter Holidays I looked after my little cousin for a day and we went to see the new DreamWorks Animation film Home. The day ended up with us filming a couple of videos for my channel and here's the first one. 


Sunday 5 April 2015

YouTube Channel

Hello everyone, as much as I love writing I also love talking so I have recently started to post on my YouTube channel. I will be posting regularly hopefully twice a week with fashion, travel, and beauty videos. If you like watching YouTube videos or are intrigued then please check out my channel. At 500 subscribers I will be doing a giveaway with some of my favourite beauty products.

I am also on other social media platforms
Twitter: @KayleighmPlatt
Instagram: @kayleighmplatt

Thank You
Kayleigh Platt x

Wednesday 11 February 2015

My 87th Academy Awards Predictions (Oscars)

As well as my love for fitness and health my biggest passion is for the performing arts and the film industry. You may have seen my previous review on the beautiful film The Theory Of Everything so I thought why not try and predict the results of the upcoming 87th Academy Awards. I haven't seen all of the nominated films however I am an avid award season watcher and follower so I know how well they have being doing so far.

1) Best Picture- BoyHood
2) Best Actor- Eddie Redmayne The Theory Of Everything

3) Best Actress- Rosamund Pike Gone Girl

4) Supporting Actor- JK Simmons

5) Supporting Actress- Patricia Arquette 

6) Best Animation Feature Film- Big Hero 6
7) Best Cinematography- The Grand Budapest Hotel 
8) Costume Design- The Grand Budapest Hotel
9) Directing- Richard Linklater Boyhood
10) Best Adapted Screen play-  The Theory Of Everything
I know I haven't done all of the award predictions but there was so many and I am not clued up on foreign language films or documentary's so I thought I would just stick to the things feature films I have seen and know about. if you would like to take a look at the nominations or predict them yourself then head over to  

Kayleigh x

Tuesday 10 February 2015

little haul including Nike and Bank

I must be a little late on the news as I had no idea Bank Fashion had gone into administration until I went to the Leeds store today. I have always being a fan of Bank as it stocks some great brands so I will be sad to see it go. So whilst having a cheeky little look at the sale items I came across this cute playsuit by the brand Hearts and Bows. I feel like I was destined to get this playsuit today actually as I saw it a while back but they didn't have it in my size so I just forgot about it. However it's now in my possession and ready to be worn on my holiday. It's was originally £32.00 and I purchased it today for £9.60. Unfortunately we can't save Bank by going and re-homing all there sale items however you can go treat yourself and make a few cheeky purchases. 

After I was side tracked by the sale at Bank I got onto my main focus of buying a really decent pair of running/work out trainers.  I usually run in my cheer shoes which are okay and support my ankle however there not suppose to be worn outside. I also sometimes naughtily run in my Converse which is the worst idea ever as there not running shoes, have no support on the ankle and are flat. No wonder I currently have a painful ankle. After looking around a few shops and comparing online I picked up a pair of Nike Downshifter 6. There black which I wanted with a neon pink tick so they can be visible if running at night. I have never decided faster on a pair of shoes in my life before. I only tried one on and was like these are so comfy and supportive I will take them. These beauties were also on sale for £32.99. So today was a good day for bargains and I can't wait to put these through the test with all the working out I have being doing lately. 

Kayleigh x

Monday 9 February 2015

My second Aliexpress Haul!

After seeing different YouTtube videos of Aliexpress hauls and being impressed with my previous purchase of the Celine style bag ( review can be found on my previous post) I decided to go a head and purchase a new bikini for my holiday. With my weight loss and healthy lifestyle journey I decided to get a neoprene one. Neoprene is the diving suit material and is used by the Bikini brand Triangl.
The product was delivered in under a month and yet again I am very impressed with the quality. It seems very durable and will last a long time. The colour is also bright and complimentary. It cost me around £9.00 including shipping which is amazing since it's made of neoprene. My tip regarding ordering this bikini is to measure yourself before hand. The company allows you to mix and match sizes you just leave the sizes you require when ordering.
I look forward to wearing it on my holiday and hopefully grab a few snaps in it.

Kayleigh x 

Friday 6 February 2015

My Diet!

A lot of people start on a weight loss journey but give up because there not seeing any results. Most people believe exercise is enough but it's not! You have to eat clean. Nutrients are key for the body to function and protein gives you energy whilst helping to re-build your muscles stronger. I flick through the weight loss and healthy eating hashtags on Instagram and see things like chocolate, baked beans on white bread and a bowls of cereal. these are certainly not healthy nor full of key nutrients for the body.  I never used to eat healthy, I'd eat what I want when I want. Luckily I have never being a big portion eater and usually eat little and often.

  1. My first tip for eating better and losing weight is eat smaller portions (unless you already do). Make sure your having breakfast, lunch and dinner and no more than a couple of snacks a day. 
  2. Cut out sugary drinks like pop or soda and Juice drinks as there usually full of sugar. Stick to water and tea. I also recommend lemon detox water.
  3. Cut out sugary and fattening snacks like chocolate and crisps. Replace them with fresh fruit which can be frozen so they don't go off, peanut/cereal bars, and yoghurts.
  4. Swap your white bread for brown.
  5. Eat more eggs as there a great source of protein.
  6. Swap cereal for porridge and top with frozen or fresh fruit and a teaspoon of Nutella or pea nut butter.

My daily food intake is around 1200 calories sometimes 
maybe less. I start the morning off by having my Protein World Slender Blend which usually takes me up till lunch time. For lunch I will usually have something like egg and soldiers or salmon on crackers and then a yoghurt, humus 
with fresh veg and fruit, or meat and salad. In the evening I like to have a normal cooked meal such as chicken in sauce with brown rice, quinoa paella, or homemade sweet potato fish pie.  

Changing your eating habits is not hard and I recommend it to everyone! I feel so much happier and healthier and the weight is coming off. 

Kayleigh x

Saturday 31 January 2015

Small Primark Fitness Haul

So I popped to Primark the other day to check out there fitness collection. I have being losing weight lately around half a stone so far and have managed to drop a dress a size. I was in desperate need of a sports bra and some leggings. I am really impressed with Primarks fitness collection and think they have some beautiful designs and brights colours. This time around I only picked up what I needed but will be certainly going back to purchase some more. 

This time around I picked up 

  • Neon Green sports bra (Smoed colour if your a cheerleader) that was £3.50
  • Thick leggings which where 3 quarters £3.50
  • Thinner full length leggings £3.00
  • Skipping rope which was on sale for a pound

Kayleigh x 

Friday 30 January 2015

The Theory Of Everything!

Yesterday despite the heavy snow here in the North of England me and one of my closet friends decided to venture out into the Narnia like world outside and go see The Theory Of Everything and go to one of our favourite Leeds Bars called the Alchemist which I highly recommend. We both have being waiting a while to see it and have heard so many great things about it. So been the Performing arts students/film geeks we are, we couldn't wait any longer. The Theory Of Everything stars the utterly talented Eddie Redmayne and the beautiful Felicity Jones as Stephen and Jane Hawking. Everyone should know who Stephen Hawking is and if you don't well all can say is crawl out from under your rock and do your research. He is one of the great Physicist that has ever lived. The film follows Stephens life from being a PHD student at Cambridge to becoming the successful physicist he is today all whilst dealing with his fast developing Motor Neuron Disease and the struggles of family life.
To me Motor Neuron Disease is not a disease that's well known and I personally knew little about it before watching this film. I think this film is a great teaching platform to get the message across about the disease and to teach people about its affects and symptoms.
Eddie Redmayne did an absolute wonderful job and certainly deserves all the awards he has being winning and fingers crossed he bags that Oscar. He certainly is a very versatile and passionate actor and from watching his role as Stephen I can tell he spent many hours developing the character by researching the disease, and watching Stephen hawking.
I also think Felicity Jones as Jane deserves to win those awards too. For me her performance stood out in the film compared to anyone else because I believe her character went on the biggest journey emotionally. As an actor if you can get your characters emotion on screen or stage felt by the audience even though they haven't being through the same thing as the character, to me that's impressive. through out the whole film I felt like when Jane's stressed I am stressed, when she's happy I am happy. It takes extremely talented actors to do that.
I highly recommend this film to everyone even if you don't think its your thing. its just simple and beautiful!

Kayleigh X

Saturday 24 January 2015

My 25 minute home workout which has results!

I noticed the key to getting fit is interval training and it's used by top trainers such as Jillian Michaels.  I started out by doing her thirty day shred however I soon became unmotivated and bored with it and that's because I didn't find it fun and it's not tailored to you personally. So I thought why not create my own which is fun and motivational. I first started out by picking a work out track list with my up beat favourite songs. Select a track list around 25-30minutes long. mine includes songs such as Real Love by Clean bandit and Ellie Goulding Burn.  
The first song you need to start of by doing cardio as this gets the heart pumping and you warmed up. Do cardio exercises which you enjoy for  like 30x each or like half a minute.  For my cardio warm up I do exercises such as

  • Jumping jacks
  • On the spot skipping (you can do this without a rope)
  • Frog jumps (go down to a crouching position like a frog and jump straight up) 
  • Jump twists
  • High knees

Once my first track is finished I then move onto strength. I added weights to my work out which include tow light weight hand weights and I found my brothers old weights bench so I also use a bar with two 5lb weights on.  If you don't have weights at home don't worry you can just do strength exercises such as push ups, burpees and squats. 

  • Squat stance punches with hand weights
  • Squat and arm raises with hand weights
  • Chest press with heavier weights
  • Over head press with weights 
  • Dead lift bar 
On the third track I then move onto my ab workout my favourite part of the circuit. Choose your  favourite abs focused moves. I do
  • Reverse crunch
  • Crunch 
  • Full sit ups
  • Plank
  • Bicycle
  • Abdominal twist with a weight 
After your third track has finished re-peat the circuit again starting from cardio. When you have done the circuit twice your work out track list should have finished.  I have seen really good results from doing this but make sure you are eating healthy too. 

Follow me on social media for my journey to a healthier lifestyle :-) I will continue to post my progress, healthy recipes and work outs. I also challenge you to warm up to Taylor Swifts Shake it Off without stopping. It's a lot of fast paced jumping, shaking and dancing put it gets the heart pumping and is lots of fun. 

Kayleigh x

Thursday 22 January 2015

Protein World Slender Blend Review

I recently started on the Protein World Slender Blend after hearing so many positive things. At first I got to admit I thought it was all lies due to being heavily celebrity endorsed however it has certainly proved me wrong. I have lost half a stone in 3 weeks and I believe I could have lost more quicker if I would have taken two a day like the company say. however I choose to have one shake a day as I was already a healthy weight I just wanted to loose around a stone and most importantly tone up. I chose the chocolate flavour Slender Blend which goes really nice with milk. it can be quite sickly so I don't recommend drinking it fast or in big gulps. I have also tried it with water which I did not like at all as it tasted like chemicals. I would certainly recommend this product to anyone wanting to loose weight or tone up. Please remember to eat healthy and exercise daily whilst taking the shakes. the shakes alone wont make you loose weight that's impossible as its protein. You don't need to be a hard-core gym addict or even have a gym membership. You just need to spare 25 minutes of your day to workout at home just like I do. I will do a follow up blog with my home work out.

The tub Costs £30 and can be purchased from
Kayleigh x

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Aliexpress Haul/Review

I ordered this amazing Celine bag replica from the Chinese site Aliexpress. This is my first purchase from there and I am very impressed. This bag was ordered on New Years Eve and arrived today the 21st of January which is quick to say it had to travel to the other side of the world. There's no faults, no loose stitching or a bad smell which has previously being said by other customers. The quality is great and certainly matches the quality of bags on the high street as the fake leather is very thick. I would say if this bag was on sale on the high street it would cost around £30. I bought this bag for $28 which converts into £18 and included free shipping. Aliexpress lists manufactures in china and wholesalers, it is known that there are scammers on there so please be aware of this. If you plan on buying from the site look at products that have had a huge amount of orders and good reviews. also another tip is to look at hauls on YouTube and blogs to see other peoples purchases and reviews. 

Kayleigh x